Physiotherapy Board of Australia - Request for Quote
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Request for Quote

30 May 2013

The Steering Committee for the Binational Project to develop Shared Entry-level Qualifying Statements for the physiotherapy profession has been released.

Shared Entry-level Qualifying Statement for Physiotherapy

The Physiotherapy Board of Australia and the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand seek to appoint an external project manager to develop shared entry-level qualifying statements for the physiotherapy profession. The Steering Committee for the project has released a Request for quote document, which has two attachments: a contract and a pricing template (attachment 2).

The Request for quote document provides information to assist bidders in the preparation and submission of a quote for development of shared entry level qualifying statements for the physiotherapy profession in Australia and New Zealand. The successful bidder will become the project manager for this project.

All quotes must be made by completing and signing the Response schedule, which is to be submitted to and must be received by 17:00 AEST on Monday July 15 2013.

To view the response to questions about the Request for Quote, see the Response to questions news item - 12 July 2013.

Page reviewed 30/05/2013