Supervised practice reassures the community, National Boards and Ahpra that a registered health practitioner whose practice is being supervised (the supervisee) is safe and competent to practise and is not putting the public at risk.
National Boards and Ahpra have developed the Supervised practice framework (the framework) to create a responsive and risk-based approach to supervised practice across the National Scheme.
The framework has been developed to:
The framework outlines the principles which underpin supervised practice, the levels of supervised practice and the National Boards’ expectations of supervisees, supervisors and employers. It also explains Ahpra and the Boards’ compliance processes and gives guidance on how to effectively comply with supervised practice requirements.
Read the framework.
Some registration standards used by National Boards refer to supervision guidelines. New Supervision guidelines (the guidelines) have been developed to:
Changes to relevant registration standards to explicitly refer to the framework rather than supervision guidelines will be made at a later date.
Read the guidelines.
The following information has been developed to help you understand and apply the framework.
The Physiotherapy Board of Australia (the Board) no longer requires completion of question 18 in ‘Section G: Supervised practice goals and activities’ of the supervised practice plan (SPAA-00).
Information provided in ‘Section F: issues to be addressed during supervised practice’ of the supervised practice plan will consider the suitability of supervision arrangements.
The Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP) instrument1 will now be used for reporting against standards, capabilities, competencies, thresholds or standards of practice at question 19 in ‘Section E: Supervisor’s assessment’ of the supervised practice report (TPSR-00). You should no longer use the Section G attachment for Section E of the supervised practice report.
Question 19 of the report should refer to the seven domains of practice in the APP instrument. These domains are professional behaviour, communication, assessment, analysis and planning, intervention, evidence-based practice and risk management.
The APP instrument must be completed with a supervised practice report.
The APP Mid Unit Formative Feedback form is also in the ‘Resources’ section of this page.
The APP instrument will also be completed:
More information on the APP instrument can be found at the APP Education website and at the APPLinkup website.
The APP instrument is expected to be completed with supervised practice reports for supervision arrangements approved from 28 January 2025.
Supervision arrangements approved before 28 January 2025 can continue to be reported against Section G of the supervised practice plan. You can change to reporting with a complete APP instrument at any time. You can start using the APP instrument from 28 January 2025.
Proposed changes to an approved supervised practice arrangement should be submitted to the Board for approval in writing. The forms you are required to complete will depend on the purpose of supervised practice and the specific change requested.
If you have limited registration and are completing supervised practice and are seeking a change to the approved supervised practice arrangement (for example adding or removing practice locations, or a change in supervisor), you should complete a request for changes in circumstances form on the Board website. If you have limited registration and are seeking a change to your approved employer, you should complete an application for limited registration on the Board website.
If you are completing supervised practice following a complaint (notification) and are seeking a change to the approved supervised practice arrangement you may be required to make an application for a review of the conditions or undertakings. More information is available on the Ahpra website.
Other proposed changes may require completion of a new supervised practice plan.
1Dalton M, Davidson M, Keating J (2011) The Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP) is a valid measure of professional competence of physiotherapy students: a cross-sectional study with Rasch analysis. Journal of Physiotherapy 57 (4), 239-246.
The APP Mid Unit Formative Feedback form has been made available on this website in compliance with the National Law and also in the interest of transparency. Wherever possible, Ahpra provides web content in accessible formats. However, in cases where the documents have been provided by other parties, accessible format files may not be available or be approved for use.
If you have difficulty accessing one of these documents, please contact Ahpra at, and we will attempt to provide you with an accessible version. Ahpra notes that wherever possible, third party organisations are asked to provide documents in accessible formats. Ahpra will update documents on this website when accessible versions become available.