Physiotherapy Board of Australia - Who does what – physiotherapist regulation
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Who does what – physiotherapist regulation

Physiotherapy regulators and stakeholders

Keeping the public safe takes more than the efforts of one organisation. It is important that the Board work with other regulators and stakeholders.

The Board has published a diagram of the different regulators and stakeholders in Australia that are relevant to registered physiotherapists and students.

It describes the Board’s role in the regulation of physiotherapists and students under the National Scheme. It also shows a number of other regulators and stakeholder organisations and how they relate to physiotherapists and students.

While not an exhaustive list, it provides an overview of the different entities and a short summary of their functions and/or responsibilities. The information is provided as a guide only. For detailed information about the functions and/or responsibilities of the entities, refer to their respective website.

Physiotherapy regulators and stakeholders diagram: this illustrates the Board’s role in the regulation of physiotherapists and students under the National Scheme . It also shows a number of other regulators and stakeholders and how they relate to practitioners. A short summary of the functions and/or responsibilities of the different entities is also provided to clarify the functions of the Board and the functions of other regulators. 

Page reviewed 28/10/2019